آخرین مقالات فایل Investigating the impact of thermal treatment on fracture toughness and sub-critical crack growth parameters under mode II load Efficient Metal Extraction from Dilute Solutions: A Review of Novel Selective Separation Methods and Their Applications Exploration for iron ore in Marvar deposit using satellite image analysis and magnetic data inversion Evaluation of fine material and chip formation in rock cutting with a conical tool Real-Time Prediction of Disc Cutter Wear in Low-Abrasive Rocks: Integrating Physico-Mechanical Properties and Signal Processing Mechanical and microstructural properties of biogenic CaCO3 deposition (MICP) on a specific volcanic sediment (unwelded Tuffs) b High-resolution photogrammetry to measure physical aperture of two separated rock fracture surfaces Developing a new model for predicting Specific Energy(SE ) ﻣﻄﺎﻟﻌﻪ ﻋﺪدي وآزﻣﺎﯾشی رﻓﺘﺎر ﻫﯿﺪروﻟﯿکیﺗﺎﻻب ﻣﺼﻨﻮعی زﯾﺮﺳﻄحی اﻓﻘی در ﺗﻮزﯾﻊﻫﺎي ﻣﺘﻔﺎوت ﺟﺮﯾﺎن شبیه سازی پاسخGRP مدل های مصنوعی دو بعدی و سه بعدی با هدف کاربردهای ژئوتکنیکی مطالعات ژئو تکنیکی جهت شناسایی نقاط ضعف پی سنگ صحن مسجد امام اصفهان با استفاده از روش رادار نفوذی به زمین The role of different explosives in reducing energy and emissions in mining comminution for sustainable improvement A smart look at monitoring while drilling (MWD) and optimizing using acoustic emission technique (AET) НОВАЯ ЭМПИРИЧЕСКАЯ МОДЕЛЬ ДЛЯ ПРОГНОЗИРОВАНИЯ НА ОСНОВЕ ХАРАКТЕРИСТИК ГОРНОЙ МАССЫ СКОРОСТИ ПРОНИКНОВЕНИЯ КРУПНОГАБАРИТНЫХ Б Prediction of jumbo drill penetration rate in underground mines using various machine learning approaches and traditional mo Comparison of enhanced neural network and response surface models IN predicting bio-dissolutionOF aluminum AND vanadium from Analysis of shovel fleet utilization in Sarcheshmeh Copper Mine using a smart monitoring platform Mineralogy and geochemistry of the Sari-Tappeh kaolin deposit, Northeast of Marand, NW Iran The Shahrestanak Zn-Pb deposit, southeastern Qom: Considerations on ore mineralization, geochemistry of stable isotopes, and di Experimental and numerical characterization o hydro-mechanical properties o rock ractures: The eect o the sample size on r Mode I fracture toughness determination of granite specimens using pseudo-compact tension method Mixed‑Mode Fracture Behavior of a Marble Exposed to Acidic Environments Interpretable real-time monitoring of short-term rockbursts in underground spaces based on microseismic activities Comparison of Infinite Fracture Model (IFM) and Discrete Fracture Network (DFN) for Estimating the Volume of In-Situ Blocks The Trace Element Geochemistry of the Vali–Janlou Kaolin Deposit, Urmia–Dokhtar Magmatic Belt, Central-Northern Iran